Finally an update. Things are going pretty good, David is busy as ever working hard, I am so fat and miserable that the past couple days being cold came as the greatest blessing. Despite the fact that I am always sick, passing out, or in need of an iv, our youngest little baby seems to be healthy and happy and possible huge. Makray is doing GREAT as always. He shocks me every day with not just new words but new sentences. I love to hear what is on his mind which is good because he hears and sees all.... and has a comment to go with it. We recently had a really scary experience, that left me all the more grateful for the wonderful life we live. On a completely normal peaceful morning Makray fell and hurt himself. He quit breathing and and was unconscious for what seemed like hours, we rushed to do everything we have been taught our entire lives, call 911, the steps of cpr, etc.... and when it came down to it a priesthood blessing was what brought our little boy back to us. I am so unbelievably grateful for the righteous priesthood that resides over our home. We are closing on a new house this week and so it will be a mad rush to get things done before another little boy arrives in our home in just six weeks.
2 years ago
Congrats on the house!! I look forward to seeing some pictures of it. Wow your little boy is growing so fast, his photo shoot was way cute and all of his different hairstyles were adorable! You look great too, as always! Cute family! Hang in there, and try to stay out of the heat, poor girl. I only had to last to July with my pregnancies!
Congrats!!!!Wow your little guy looking awesome!!!!all of his different hairstyles were adorable!!!!You have such a cute family..
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We are so glad MaKray is okay. I know Luke was itching to call Dave to find out more on what happened. Did fall pretty hard or something?
Good luck with moving and congrats on the new house. That's awesome news! We can't wait for your new little boy to arrive. I can't believe how fast time goes by. It seems like not too long ago Makray was a brand new baby himself. Sorry this is so long. Anyway, we miss you guys and hope everything goes well.
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