Sunday, November 15, 2009

What we've been up too

I do not condone the killing of innocent animals but dave is really proud so wait ago davie!!!
Mak was totally obsessed with the deer we had to keep a good eye on him because he would try and sneak kisses... he spent so much time with it that while i was bathing him i found a tick in his hair. I almost bit my lip off trying not to scream and fortunately i got it off before it killed us. I was frantic and mak just kept laughing at my reaction and wanted to keep the bug... i saved it in a cup to prove to dave that i was not crazy and that it was time to dispose of the deer remnants.
Mak talks and talks more everyday... sometimes i think i am going to go crazy.. but it is fun to here new stuff such as.."emmett hold jesus darnit"
Mak had his little nose pressed on the window all day it snowed... he kept saying snow i love you
My bestest best friend in the world is getting married on saturday so we had a fun girls night out... holy smokes the break was much needed.
Mak is a great baby sitter... here he is wearing his howdy partner cowboy hat, and reading emmett a calander... and yes he is naked from the waist down.
It is no secret that i am totally exhausted.... but fortunately emmett is sleeping through the night most nights now... and makray is so much help(actually he is almost two and completely exhausting but he tries really hard to be helpful so i love him)


Marissa said...

"emmet hold jesus darnit." That is really funny. We love the updates! Luke is slightly jealous about the deer. I'm sure he wishes he could be hunting rather than studying.

Swensen Family said...

Crazy about the tick, I think I would fread!! But you are a good mom to let the boy play!! Cute pictures, your boys are precious!

Nicole said...

You have the sweetest little boys! You can just tell that Mack is so sweet by the things he is saying! I bet you are exhausted. You are doing great though!