Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Eleven Weeks

Wow I can't believe how fast time flies, Makray is already nearing his three month mark. He is basically huge, he is super tall and skinny, just like his dad. One day I will buy him an outfit the next day it doesn't fit. His favorite activity is nice, long soaks in the tub.

He learns new tricks everyday. Yesterday he learned to roll over and that's what he does all day. He is still really active and screams at the top of his lungs when he can't move like he wants to. It is a full time job trying to keep him fed, he wears us out, but fortunately he is sleeping through the night. (knock on wood) Everyone spoils him, so his life is pretty good. David has an interview with ISU this Friday, hopefully resulting in us getting into pharmacy school. We are so excited to be moving on with our plans.


Gavin and Natalie said...

Oh he is such a stud! I can't believe he is rolling over! Wow! You guys sure are good parents! Good luck Dave at ISU!

Kimberly Clark said...

Holy cow he is getting so big. I love the Bubble bath Picture! I always hated it when you would sit down for 2 min. and a cry would come from the room and you think to yourself so much for that project. Good luck with school and everything.

Nicole said...

Man, no offense but he didn't look like he was close to turning over and he was so frustrated! Go McKray! Tell Dave we said good luck.

Josh & Sarah Teare said...

Oh my goodness David you have a baby???? When did we grow up so fast?? It was like only yesterday we were sitting in Sunday school and listening to Pat's lesson. Oh dear. Anyway I stumbled on your blog. It was great to see you doing so well.

Cassie Mickelsen said...

Congratulations on your little boy. He is so cute! Hope everything is going great for you guys. Lorin says hi!

Kelly Peterson said...

Whit- its good to hear from you.. Japan is different but I love it. Your baby is so beautiful! how are you doing... being a mom and wife? - Kelly