Yes!!! We are finally here and I have to admit the ride wasn't pleasant. We began the week not knowing if we had a place to move or not. This gave me severe heartburn. First we had the house then we didn't then we did then we didnt. Then we did, but couldn't move for a few more weeks. Then we lost it all together again. This is how it went up until Wednsday night.... when after many tears and stomach aches, and not knowing where we were going to live or what we were going to do.... We finally got the ok to move in! So Thursday and Friday Makray and I packed the house and cleaned. I say Mak and I because David.... happened to have orientation in Pocatello those two days and couldn't help. So it was just me packing and Mak unpacking and destroying. Because of the hectic days prior... I had a migrane that lasted three days. So we packed in the dark with no tv or music. Poor mak... at one point I laid on the kitchen floor and listened to Mak shredding paper (probably important documents) and bang his sippy cup on the wall. We packed and made trips late into the night clear into the early mornings. FORTUNATLLY I have a wonderful mother-in-law. Who rescued me!!! Through David's many parties and events, through trucks breaking down, through school starting in the middle of it. We managed.... and my migrane did finally go away and we again use light. Thanks to Ainslee and Paul.... who must have sensed we were completely without help and stopped by, and Tyson and his freakish strength. We are now happily in our lovely home. Makray is in love with all the extra space, I am in love with my new washer and dryer, and David is enjoying school. PICS SOON!!!!
2 years ago
I'm glad you were able to move! What an ordeal. Hope things are going great. I'm excited for pictures.
How exciting to be in a house! GLad the move is over, it is hard to pack by yourself and with a baby! And enjoy the washer and dryer, that would be so NICE!!
Ugh, I hate moving! And you had to pack alone! Glad that you're there now-it's always exciting being in a new place. Good luck!
Makray has such a cute smile!
congrates on Pocatello My brothers in that program and loves it, hope you guys do to, and you baby is so adorable!
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