Happy Birthday to MAK
Robison Christmas Party
Christmas Day
Swim Party
Happy Birthday to MAK
Posted by Whitney at 10:52 AM 0 comments
My top ten Favorite things about my little two year old.
10. I love that people always assume Mak is at least three because he is enormous.
9. Mak prefers grown ups to children. He hated nursery for the longest time because he really hated the children haha.
8. I love that whenever Makray says "excuse me", it always comes out "boobies"
7. Mak has a million nicknames for David and I dont know how he came up with them. Dadzilla, Dadin, and even for a while he called him Edna.
6. Mak sleeps in until 9 most mornings
5. Mak is a miniture Dave, i dont see david a whole lot and i miss him, but fortunately i have a litte Dave all the live long day, and that makes me happy..
4. He talks nonstop so i am never never lonely on long days.
3. Whenever he does something bad that he knows he will be in trouble for(ex. pull down the christmas tree, put a dvd in the video player) he always comes running to me at full speed and the first thing out of his mouth is "I LOVE YOU MOMMY"
2. He is the best big brother in the world, he protects emmett when kids take his toys, he always shares his treats, and there is no one in the world mak loves like he loves emmett.
1. I love Mak because he is Mak and there is no one else like him
Posted by Whitney at 8:28 AM 1 comments
Posted by Whitney at 4:55 PM 4 comments
Posted by Whitney at 8:31 AM 3 comments
If you have ever met Makray... you have probably seen him demonstrate his feets of strength. He is always showing off and Emmett is following his brothers example. The bad part is our recent doctors visit showed that along with Emmett's sever Gerd and troubles holding down his food he has LOST weight making him as quoted by doctors "failure to thrive." It breaks my heart and is a constant struggle, however as the pictures show he is a tough little bugger. He is the most pleasant little baby I have ever seen cooing and smiling and even laughing as of yesterday....at every chance. He is pretty tough despite his 8 lbs 4 ounces and has been rolling over for a few weeks and holds his own against a wild big brother. Friends and Family have takin to calling him BIG E and we love him all to teency tincy pieces.I absolutley love this face... he makes this little cross eyed face when he gets overly happy or excited he just cant focus when he is this happy hahaha.
Posted by Whitney at 8:23 PM 1 comments
Posted by Whitney at 5:22 PM 3 comments