Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fun in the Sun

Once again we are up to nothing but enjoying this beautiful weather.  We are just loving what still seems like a new life for us.  David had a basketball tournament, so Mak and Emmett were so excited to have some of their favorite basketball dads for a sleep over and then we finished the weekend off with a great bbq with friends we are really going to miss!

 It got up to 83 degrees yesterday and so what did we do???  Got out our water slide.  This is truly unheard of for an Idaho April, but we are anticipating our true spring weather to return soon... so in the mean time we soaked up some serious sun!!!

 Violet enjoyed this even less than it appears haha!!!
On another note.  Violet had another checkup and hearing screening.  The good news is she is growing like crazy and as healthy as they come, she is up to 14 lbs and in the 8th percentile.  Her screening test didn't go great.  She didn't quite pass, which makes me nervous considering this is around the same age Emmett started having problems, but she had a cold which can really make a difference with your hearing so we will try again next week and hope for better!!!!!!


Taryn said...

that slide looks super fun. i seriously want to go play on it.