To say the least.... little Makray is all over the place. Mak is always climbing, biting, opening, or destroying something new, so for a couple of days I kept our camera with me at all times so I could catch some of his disasters. DISCLAIMER: some of the pictures are a little fuzzy, that is because I often have to take the picture and catch him at the same time. ALSO there are a couple nudies in here, so consider yourself warned! It all started with the stairs. Makray mastered the stairs a few months ago.... I would have never imagined what it would turn into.
Makray can just about get into his own crib.... He gets one toe up and then loses his balance... fortunately he has no idea that it would be easier getting out.
I thought it was irritating that he opened the bottom drawer and pulled everything out.... until he opened the bottom drawer climbed in and pulled everything out of the top drawer.
This is truly my least favorite trick, I will be doing the dishes turn around, and he has his hand stuck in the rack trying to pull out a sippy cup. Notice he is standing on the dishwasher drawer... that trick Daddy hates.
Makray REALLY loves his Baby Einstein movies.. apparently animals in the Jungle is his FAVE.
Mak loves to crawl into the bathtub. Isn't it ironic that the one picture he is fully dressed in is the one picture it would be ok if he wasnt.
As you can see Makray keeps me on my toes. I am sad to see that he is leaving his crawling stage and headed straight for walking. A few days ago he realized he could stand with out the support of furniture or human legs. He was as surprised as I was when he let go of the couch and didnt fall down.
He does sound like a very busy boy! Is that your new house? It looks really cute!
I just have to say that his little tush is the cutest thing ever!! What a doll!! Lookes like he has you both busy. Hope you all are doing well!!
I can't believe he is so good at climbing he seems so much older than halle she barley started standing by things.
How crazy! It seems like he should not be old enough to be doing that stuff. . . I am NOT ready for Brecken to do the same! Your house looks so beautiful by the way!
Go Makray!!! just joking... isn't it crazy how fast they catch onto ideas. And they never forget those little tricks either. Thanks for capturing them for us. Hope Pocatello is treating you well! We miss you! It's weird seeing other people go into the apartment next door!
What a fun life that boy leads! He is cute! Your house does look really cute.
Oh my gosh Whittney. I was seriously laughing out loud at ever picture!! You have to keep those for blackmail!!! The crib one is hilarious! Wow, you must be so busy! Your house is beautiful though. It is new! That is so awesome! Looks great!
Cute post Whitty, quite the kid!
Wow, he's a busy, cute kid!
Geez louise, I'll bet he keeps you busy. He sure is cute but man, all that climbing ... it must drive you crazy! Has he always been quick or a little early in learning how to do stuff like that? Aaron rolled over a number of times before he was even 3 months ... and now I'm wondering if that is a sign of times to come (times that could be similar to yours!).
I think these are the most precious pictures ever! Never forget these times! He is soooo darling! Mischevious and all.
It looks like you are having a ton of fun. Boys can keep you on your toes! I have a new website. Come check out our new little one. It is so fun to see your cute family!
Hey Whitney, I know you're a little ways away in Pocatello but, we're having a 51st ward girls night reunion!! I'm having a Stampin Up!party on Sat Oct 18th from 4-6pm-which you are welcome to come to, or you can just come for after that, all the 51st ward girls are going to stay, talk, eat, and craft-if you want to bring something to work on. If you know of anyone else who's still in the area invite them to come and bring a snack to share!! If you have any questions let me know!!
Oh Whitney--what a hand full! I love it! He's too cute. I wanted to let you know that I just got a blog going too! Our address is We miss you guys! Love, Hannah
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